Thursday, December 1, 2011

Discovery Exercise!!!

Question uno: What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

  • I enjoyed the ones where I got to create something or post random things that really didn't                have to do with anything. :) What can I say?  Art people are random.

Question dos: How has this program affected your lifelong goals?

  • This program has opened my eyes to all that the internet can offer.  I primarly use it for nerdy, social, and school reasons, but there are so many more tools and programs I have been missing out on.  I plan on using them in the future.
Question tres: Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

  • Ummmmmmm.... no.
Question cuatro: What could we do differently to improve upon this program's format or concept?

  • This took a lot of time. Was it easy? Yes. Was I frustrated most of the time? Yes. Will it be useful in the future? Some of it. I enjoyed being able to make it personal and have fun with it, but it just took so much time and I got very annoyed with having to join so many cites that I probably won't use in the future because I am an ART TEACHER, not a regular one. :)
Question cinco: How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher?

  • There are some things that i could use as an art teacher, but most of these things don't really apply to me.  The way I see it is, you don't wanna get paint on a computer... SOOOO, I will try to find ways to incorporate what I've done here, but it will be hard.
Question seis: How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? 

  • Hmmmmm, I believe other things will draw my attention, like what's happening in the art world, art history, my own personal progression as an artist. I don't really see much of the things I have done here helping with those things.  Though I am grateful for learning them.

Thing # 23

As an art teacher, students will need to understand that their work, ideas, and what have you are their own, but! They need to give credit not only to themselves but to others for their work.  Creative Commons teaches just that.

I found several websites that are similar to our trusty 23 Things... Here is one:

Thing # 22

I can see the practical use in such a website, however, I also see that my laptop has folders and my Google Chrome has bookmarks.  Personally, I believe I will just stick with that, but! For the classroom, I can see how this would be an easy thing for students and fellow teacher to look up and look at.

My LiveBinder is called Art Websites for Kids.  I found a ton of websites that art teachers could use with their kids, each are educational and fun!

My LiveBinder

Thing # 21

I really enjoyed this website, though it was annoying to only have 30 seconds!!!! I had to keep redoing it to show the pics I wanted shown. I may cave one day and actually buy the thing just cause it was sooo awesome:)

Pumpkin Masterpieces!

Thing # 20

I LOVE YouTube!! Always have.  Its such a useful site for finding information on my nerdy things, new songs, or just awesomely funny stuff:)  I think YouTube is so widely known and frequently used that there isn't much to say on the matter apart from tis awesome and can be a very useful tool. Many of my professors already use it in class and assign for us to find videos pertaining to a subject for the class.

The video I've chosen to post is by a YouTuber called charlieissocoollike. He's a British nerd and in this video he is trying to do an American accent.  Its hilarious!!!! Enjoy!!!!

My American Accent

Thing # 19

I love to write.  I write my own take on a video game series called Dragon Age.  I post my story on a website called FanFiction.Net and I get pretty awesome reviews.  So, I am a member of FanFiction.Net where you can "unleash your imagination".  I am a member of Pandora, though that's just for listening to music. I am also a member of Facebook, but who isn't?  And on Facebook I am a member of certain groups for video games, and some books I enjoy:)

I have used IMDB many times in the past to keep up on movies.  Mostly I use it when I can't figure out where I've seen an actor before, but only as a last resort. I like to figure it out on my own.  There was a lot of good sites to check out, but I lean more toward the book ones, simply because I love to read. I liked GoodReads.  It seemed the easiest to figure out and the simplest.  Though I looked into these, I proabaly wouldn't use them very much, besides IMDB.

Here's the link to my fanfic profile!!
Me Profile:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thing #18

I think that everybody in this class, perhaps everyone at APSU has a Facebook or Twitter.  They probably have an old Myspace they haven't deleted.  I also think this is probably the easiest thing I've had to do:)  Social networks have become a huge part of most everyone's life.  I remember when they changed Facebook people freaked out and there was even stories on the news and even on CNN.  Which is pretty ridiculous, but it proves my statement.  I don't really use Twitter, but I hear a lot about it from friends and from TV.  It seems a good way to stay up-to-date on your favorite celebs and whatnot.  However, I don't see an educational use for either when it comes to elementary, middle, or high.  We were not allowed on such websites when I was in high school, and that rule still remains. In college, sure.  I can see a use for it, but otherwise... Nah:)

My Facebook:)